210 – 21900 Westminster Hwy.
Richmond, BC V6V 0A8
Phone: 604-592-7550 ext 225
Fax: 604-592-7559

8 Questions

Please take 2 minutes to read and answer this short questionnaire in regards to your current financial situation.


If you accumulate as many NET assets in the NEXT five years as you just did in the LAST five years, are you going to be satisfied with your progress at that point?

Is the difference between what you OWN and what you OWE getting WIDER, NARROWER or STAYING THE SAME?

How many weeks of your typical month in retirement are FULLY funded by your current plans (based on date of retirement until end of projected life expectancy)

Does your current life insurance pay you immediately to stay at home on the diagnosis of critical illness – or would you have to go to work while critically ill?

How many of your children’s further education is going to be fully funded, based on your current financial plan

. Do you draw the full compensation you are entitled to from your company to remunerate you for the second signature you gave to your bank as personal guarantees?

For how long does your partnership agreement guarantee the salaries of directors in the event of serious illness or disability?

Are your business partnership arrangements structured to leave your spouse with inflexible or unmarketable company shares instead of ready cash in the event of your critical illness, disability or death?

Please retype the characters so we know you're a real person.
Please retype the characters so we know you